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Wednesday, 21 November 2012

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Friday, 16 November 2012


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Click on Below Picture To get reward !


Thursday, 15 November 2012


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Click On Below picture to get Free Spice ! 

Or Click here

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Get your Onions!

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Get 3 free onions by clicking on below picture !

Or Click Here 

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Play Online Game !

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Play Free Online Bike Game 
Its Just Awesome ! 

Friday, 9 November 2012

CityVille – Get + 100 Free Gifts !

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CityVille – Get + 100 Free Gifts ! 

lick on below picture to get your reward ! 

Or Click Here 

Farmville 2: Free +2 Feed !

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Decorating your home is as important as raising your crops and animals well in Farmville 2.
Click Feed image below to get +2 Free Farmville 2 Feed.



Farmville 2: +3 Free Rewards !

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To get Farmville2 Free Gift Rewards

Click on the Free Reward below to get free Rewards
1- Free Reward 1
2- Free Reward 2
3- Free Reward 3

Farmville 2: Exotic Eggs Collection !

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 How to get  rare or ultra rare exotic eggs? 

There are a lot of misconceptions about how the Hen House works. Barring any Farmville 2 glitches, here is what you can expect.

  • Only NON-Prized Chickens affect the Hen House and the Exotic Eggs.
  • The more adult chickens you have, the higher the chance you will get an Exotic Egg.
  • Chickens are chickens where the Hen House is concerned. Using different kinds of chickens will NOT improve your chances of getting an Exotic Egg.
  • The Hen House does NOT produce an Exotic Egg every day.
  • You CAN get Exotic Eggs from your News Feed.
  • You CAN get Exotic Eggs from tending to your neighbor's Hen House.
  • You CAN get Exotic Eggs from neighbor's tending to your Hen House.
  • For purposes of the Walter Goals associated with the Hen House, only the Exotic Eggs you collect from tending to your own Hen House apply towards the tasks.

CHEFVILLE: Discover How To Get A Third Mixer ! (GREEN)

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CHEFVILLE: Discover  How To Get A Third Mixer !  (GREEN)

You Can Mix That

The centerpiece to any mixer collection is the Green Mixer. Check the collector’s guide if you don’t believe me, but just so you know, I wrote the guide.

Place and build the Green Mixer
Craft 9 batches of Ranch Dressing
Rewards: 1 Vinegar, 1 Egg
Sort It Out

As an old collection pro, I can give you a tip on the best way to stay organized, and that tip is: let colored containers do the work!

Craft 10 batches of Mayonnaise
Serve 5 Classic Tomato Soup from the Soup Station
Rewards: 15 XP and 2 Wild Onions

Source :


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ChefVille : Discover how to earn 2x more garlic. Zynga seems to have understood that we’re often short of garlic for our recipes. So through this mission, we will be able to double our production.  

Mission 1 : Get Ready for Garlic

The Garlic Festival is coming to town, blossom, and you need a bigger tent if we’re going to celebrate the beauty of garlic. Tell your friends!
  • Upgrade your Garlic Stall to Level 2
  • Collect 2 times from your upgraded Garlic Stall
  • Tend 3 neighbors’ Garlic Stalls

Mission 2 : Open and Cloved

Keep checking your Garlic Stall, daisy, to see what goodies we can serve to these garlic lovers. They call themselves “clovers.” Isn’t that adorable?
  • Cook 6 Steak Florentine on the Brick Oven
  • Get 6 Pop-Up Tents from your friends!
  • Collect 10 times from the Garlic Stall

Mission 3 : Goes Good with Garlic

Let’s poke around the Garlic Stall, posy. You never know what other goodies we might find to put on the menu for all these garlic lovers.
  • Collect 3 Asparagus from the Garlic Stall
  • Cook 6 Cheesy Stuffed Tomatoes on the Broiler
  • Give 10 Chef’s Services with Cheesy Stuffed Tomatoes

Mission 4 : Mashed Garlic

The garlic lovers are mashing into your stall, and I have to admit that maybe there is such a thing as too much garlic breath. Let’s expand. Quick!
  • Upgrade your Garlic Stall to Level 3
  • Collect 3 Russet Potatoes from your Level 3 Garlic Stall
  • Tend 6 neighbors’ Garlic Stalls

Mission 5 : Parting Gifts

Collect all the wicker baskets you can find, and then fill them with goodies from the Garlic Stall. The best gift for a garlic lover is always more garlic.

Farmville 2 - The Daily Reward !

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Farmville 2 - The Daily Reward !
You can claim one out of three rewards given below. 

Castleville : Get Your Daily Reward !

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Castleville : Get Your Daily Reward ! 

Click on below picture to get your reward ! 
                                            Click here 

CastleVille 'Some Things to Iron Out' Quests: Everything you need to know !

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CastleVille 'Some Things to Iron Out' Quests: Everything you need to know !

As you start working on the lengthy "A Fairy Epic Conclusion" quest series in CastleVille's Fairy Realm expansion, you'll quickly unlock a trio of side quests that can be completed at the same time. These quests are called "Some Things to Iron Out," and they see you working to reignite Blaze the Dragon's flame so that he can help rescue the Fairy Queen and King from Faugrimm before it's too late. We're here with a guide to finishing these three quests, thanks to Zynga. Let's get started!

Fired Up
  • Have 5 Pumpkins
  • Ignite Blaze's Flame

Igniting Blaze's flame is a process much like constructing a building in your Kingdom, as you'll need to collect multiple materials in order to actually accomplish it. You'll need four Fire Stones, 15 Pumpkins, one Flaming Sword and 10 Fireballs to ignite the flame. The Fire Stones and Pumpkins can both be earned by posting general requests on your news feed (try playing on for faster progress), while the Fireballs can be earned by tending Fire Flowers in the Fairy Realm. Finally, Flaming Swords are crafted in the Studio(s) back in your home Kingdom using one Bronze Bar, one Iron Bar, two Alchemist Powders and two Ambers. While you're back home, you can also plant some Pumpkins if you'd rather not wait on your friends to help you out. These Pumpkins take three hours to grow, but you can obviously lessen that time if you plant the Pumpkins near water.

For completing this first quest, you'll receive 1,000 coins and 20 XP.

Cranking Up the Heat
  • Have 6 Pumpkin Shells
  • Have 3 Caramel
  • Help Make Blaze's Flame Stronger

The Pumpkin Shells and Caramels must be crafted back in your Kingdom. A single Caramel takes 40 minutes to cook in your Kitchen and requires three Sticks of Butter, four Sugar and four Pails of Water. Meanwhile, Pumpkin Shells can be crafted in your Studios using four Pumpkins each. While these tasks are fairly straightforward, the third is a bit more complicated, as you'll need not only these three Caramels and six Pumpkin Shells, but also two more Flaming Swords and 12 Fireballs to finish the upgrade to Blaze's flame. When you complete this second quest, you'll receive a Love Potion, 1,500 coins and 30 XP.

Blaze of Glory
  • Have 3 Flaming Swords
  • Have 4 Pumpkin Gumbo
  • Help Blaze One Last Time

If you've been paying close attention to this series' previous two quests, you likely know where this one is going. You'll need to craft Pumpkin Gumbos and Flaming Swords to complete these two individual tasks, but will then need to keep those items around long enough to "feed" Blaze to really boost its flame. You'll also need 12 Wood Planks and 15 Fireballs to finish this final "building" project. For each Pumpkin Gumbo, you'll need a Pumpkin Shell, one Chicken, six bottles of Milk and eight Fish, and you can thankfully save yourself some time crafting the Wood Planks by just asking your friends to send them to you instead. Finishing this final quest will see you saving the Fairy Queen and King, and you'll also be rewarded handsomely for your work. You'll receive 1,750 coins, 35 XP and a Fairy Palace that will forever remind you of the hard work you put forth to finish these quests.

source :

Farmville 2: +2 Free Sugar !

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Farmville 2: +2 Free Sugar ! 

If you like, please give one minute to Share this with your friends.

Click below Sugar image to get Free Farmville 2 +2 Sugar. 
Here are two pieces of sugar to collect today.


Make Some Salad for free !

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Make Some Salad for free ! 

 Get your Jamie Oliver Evolution Tomato Salad Station to serve fresh salads in one click!
Make salad By Clicking On below Picture ! 

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Chefville Free 14 Coins !

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Chefville Free 14 Coins ! 

Click below picture or
( click here ) to get rewards 

Farmville 2: +3 Free Speed Grow !

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Farmville 2: +3 Free Speed Grow ! 

Get +3 Speed Grow for Farmville 2.

Share with your friends too.

Click image below to get +3 Instant Grows.


Farmville 2: +1 Free Salt !

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 Farmville 2: +1 Free Salt !
If you like, please give one minute to Share this with your friends.

Click below salt picture to get Free Farmville 2 salt. 
It can be used in your kitchen to prepare recipes that yield much.

Farmville 2: +5 Free Water !

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Farmville 2: +5 Free Water !
Share with your friends they needed it !

Click below Drop of Water to get free +5 water.


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Get your Sandwich Station !

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Get your Sandwich Station ! 

Who loves sandwiches? Everybody! Get your Sandwich Station now!

Slice and Dice! ==>

Monday, 5 November 2012

Chefville Free Item links !

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 Free Items Shared Are :
Click on item to visit link page
Free   Energy
Free Milk 
Free Ingredients

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Start Mixer Collection now !

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Start  Mixer Collection now ! 

Need Dough, Tomato Sauce, Mayonnaise and Ranch Dressing, all at once? Start your Mixer Collection now!
Mix it up by clicking on below picture ..

Saturday, 3 November 2012

ChefVille Aftertaste: Are we cooking event dishes for nothing?

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ChefVille Aftertaste: Are we cooking event dishes for nothing?

With the recent expiration of the Halloween event in ChefVille, I'm left to think back on not only the game's October event, but also the County Fair event that introduced the first dishes that we could cook for "Ribbons," rather than "Mastery Stars." Now that we've been through two such events, and their themed cooking appliances have become rather useless in our cafes, I've started to wonder: what was the real point of cooking these dishes anyway?

Sure, one could argue that the exclusive prizes in both events were worth spending days and weeks cooking hot dogs, pumpkin chili and more, but what of the Ribbons that we earned along the way? They've simply vanished into the ether and have no overall effect on our progression once the events are over. While receiving exclusive, limited edition decorations may have been enough incentive for some to participate, I know a lot of my neighbors would have personally tried a lot harder to finish the events had there been a better prize waiting for them on the other side.

Ultimately, these Ribbons should have been changed into Mastery Stars at the end of the events, to give players further incentive to participate, and even give them greater incentive to spend real money to finish them in time. As it stands though, these events seemed catered to only the most "hardcore" of the game's player base - those players that have hours each day to dedicate to cooking dishes just with the thought of some free spices or decorations to push them through. Plus, if players didn't receive all of the Ribbons for a particular dish, there's no reason to ever cook them again in the future, as any additional Ribbons that they might earn can't help them expand their restaurant to a larger size.

ChefVille Poultry Butcher Upgrade !

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ChefVille Poultry Butcher Upgrade ! 

Colby's Carryout
Upgrade and Staff the Poultry Butcher to Level 2
Gather 3 Times from the Poultry Butcher
Cook 1 Roast Beef Sandwich

Thankfully, you don't have to wait until after you've upgraded the Poultry Butcher to actually collect from it. This is helpful, because the actual upgrade isn't an easy one. You'll need to gather 10 friends that can work as staff in the building before the upgrade is done. At that point, the building will change in design and you'll be able to collect two Chickens every five minutes, instead of just one. For finishing this first quest, you'll receive a Marinated Chicken ingredient, five XP and 15 coins.

Fowl is Good
Cook Garden Salad 3 Times
Tend Upgraded Poultry Butcher 5 Times
Eat 12 Dishes at Neighbors' Restaurants

For this quest, the Garden Salad task will be the one that slows you down, as it requires 12 hours to cook. If nothing else, you'll be able to use that time to hopefully master some other dishes with your increased Chicken productivity, and the Marinated Chicken ingredient that still isn't available to most players normally. For completing this quest, you'll receive another Marinated Chicken, five XP and 15 coins.

Poultry Pass
Serve 10 Cheesy Stuffed Tomatoes
Collect 5 Convention Badges
Have 2 Mastery Stars for Chicken Cobb Salad

The Convention Badges are earned by posting a new item to your wall to ask your friends for help. Meanwhile, the Cheesy Stuffed Tomatoes take just two minutes to cook, so while this task might "waste" a lot of ingredients, at least it won't waste a ton of time.

We'll update this space as we learn more about the Poultry Butcher upgrade quests, so stay tuned!

ChefVille Cheats & Tips: Remove flooring to spawn more ingredients

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ChefVille Cheats & Tips: Remove flooring to spawn more ingredients ! 

If there's one thing we really love about Zynga's newest Facebook game ChefVille, it's the amount of customization players are offered when designing their restaurants. Not only can we design the basic shapes of our restaurant by placing our own walls, but we can also remove items that were given to us at the beginning and redesign them based on our own needs. However, with that freedom comes a bit of a confusing setup when it comes to removing / moving flooring tiles (especially as it relates to wild onions and mushrooms that spawn at random in the grass), so we're here with a guide to help you master that element of the game!

When you head into the game's edit screen, as though you were going to move a piece of furniture, you can attempt to click on a piece of flooring, but won't be able to move it. These pieces of flooring aren't static however, as you'll simply need to click on the small "Edit Floor" button in the bottom left corner of the game's menu. It might be obvious to some, but its small size and out-of-the-way location make it a bit hidden to those who don't know it's there.

Once you click on this button, the world will go transparent, with your restaurant's walls, tables and appliances fading away, allowing you to really see the flooring underneath. From there, you can click on a single piece of flooring to place it in your inventory, sell it or even rotate it, changing the direction of the grain in wood flooring, as an example. This rotation feature alone can completely change the look of your restaurant's kitchen or seating area, all for the low price of free.

To once again edit the location of appliances, walls, windows and other decorations, you'll simply click on the Edit Floor button in the corner to revert your game to its original view. What this ultimately means is that you can free up a ton of space outside your restaurant by simply moving the milk truck or the shops around (to make them stand closer together) and then delete the street and sidewalks to claim more grass for the spawning of wild onions or mushrooms. All of these elements not only allow you to further customize the look of your game, but they help increase your supply of ingredients to cook many of the game's dishes. It's a win-win situation, and we'll make sure to bring you more tips in ChefVille at a. Stay tuned!

What do you think of the wild onion and mushroom feature in ChefVille? Did you realize you could remove the driveway that came with the Milk Truck? Sound off in the comments! 

Chefville Mixers !

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  1. Chefville Mixers ! 

  1. Mixers, Mixers and more Mixers! Start your mixer collection today to have endless mixing capability!

 Play Now! ==>

Friday, 2 November 2012

Chefville Free Ingredients !

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Chefville Free Ingredients !
Get Free fresh ingredients by clicking on below picture .!


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Click on the image below to claim your FREE Garlic for Chefville!!

ChefVille Free Milk !

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Click on the below picture to get Milk !

Free Chefville Energy!

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 Free Chefville Energy! 
Get Free Energy simple by clicking on below picture 
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